Monday, January 11, 2010

In The Beginning

Though I have always loved to drive fast on dirt, gravel, snow.. anything not predictable. I didn't even realize it was possible to get into the sport until last winter when I found out about Rally Cross. Wikipedia on RallyCross. My car had been a 1987 Pontiac Fiero Coupe. It had the 4 cylinder and all of 98 horsepower but was still a blast in the gravel! When my parents decided they would help me get a car to get over the mountains reliably so I could come home for Christmas I jumped on a 2002 Mitsubishi Lancer SlowZ Rally edition for cheap and sold the Fiero. I chose the Lancer because it looked like a rally car even though it didn't have the price.. or performance of one. Its started out clean but that soon changed. Looking to get it dirty I found the Oregon Rally Group. It turned out right across the street from the airport I was going to school at they put on Rally Cross event about month. After my first event, even after losing horribly with bald street tires, I was hooked. The great thing about Rally Cross is that anyone with any car can compete within their own class.Since my car only has an exhaust and intake it is allowed to compete in stock front. Since then I have gotten new wheels, Team Dynamics Pro Rally 1's from Paul Elklund at Primitive Racing wrapped Firestone Winterforce snow tires.. Really cheap rubber with a ton of traction. Tires were a big help but even they were no match for the experience gained over the next few events. In every event I was slowly able to see myself improve. Reading about driving techniques and watching rally videos and driving on gravel, dirt, and snow has been slowly making me a better driver. Every day I find myself having more of the rally bug. Even though I know I still have a lot to learn, building a stage rally car is my next goal. Wikipedia on Rallying. Wish me luck! I'm going to need all the help I can get.